


人类正处在世纪之交的关键时刻。世界各国都非常关心人类未来的发展走向。以古为镜,可以知兴替”。反思二十世纪的人类历史,既有引以为骄傲和自豪的辉煌发展,也有令人痛心不堪回首的战乱与灾难。历史的经验告诉我们:人类最可宝贵的是和平,最需要的是发展。只有在和平的环境中不断发展人类自身,优化人类社会,改善生存空间,人类在世界上的存在才能变得更有意义、 更加美好。因而,和平与发展成了当今世界的两大主题,各国都在探索实现和平与发展的有效途径。在这方面,我们法律界人士有着责无旁贷的使命。 因为实践已经并将维续证明,法制是确立和维持社会秩序,促进和实现社会正义,推动社会不断进步的最有力的武器之一。离开法律的保障,就没有秩序可言,也没有和平和发展可言。



We are at the turn of a new century, and every country in the world is much concerned with the future development of mankind. “By examining history, one can know the rise and fall of nations.” The twentieth century has seen marvelous achievements worthy of great honor and pride, but also witnessed painful and unimaginable chaos caused by wars and disasters. Experience from history tells us that peace is most precious to mankind, and development is the greatest necessity. The existence of mankind will become better and more meaningful only through peace combined with continued growth and progress in living conditions of human society. Therefore, peace and development are the two major issues in today’s world, and each country is exploring effective ways to achieve them. We in the legal professional have a responsibility we cannot shirk, because experience has repeatedly shown that a legal system is one of the most powerful means of establishing and maintaining social order and for promoting and achieving social justice and progress. Without the guarantee of the law, there can be no order, let alone peace and development.

As is widely known, every country has its own legal system, and each system is different. However, it is also undeniable that there is much in common in the way laws reflect patterns of social mediation while a tool to regulate social relations. Furthermore, there is a growing trend of learning from each other and evolving together. China, an oriental country with an ancient civilization, has followed its own unique legal path and traditions. Clearly there is great potential for exchange and cooperation between our countries.